Increase advertising revenue with impactful ad formats

According to recent consumer surveys, 91% of respondents agree that ads are more intrusive today than a couple of years ago*. There is no surprise that online users are increasingly against digital ads and are often driven away from websites due to the disruptive nature of ads. Since digital ads are a valuable source of revenue for Publishers, we have to ask ourselves: are there any formats that aren’t disruptive?

*Source: HubSpot Adblock Plus Research Study, Q2 2016

Dailymotion’s partner Impactify develops non-intrusive advertising solutions for Publishers and advertisers. Impactify helps Publishers from around the globe grow their incremental revenue, providing excellent KPIs for advertisers coupled with the best experience for users.

Impact Screen

Impactify’s flagship product, Impact Screen, is a sleek and non-interruptive outstream format at the screen’s bottom. Meeting Better Ads Standards, it occupies less than 20% of the screen height, preserving user engagement. Its fixed design with the Dailymotion video Player boosts KPIs, achieving higher VTR and CTR while ensuring a seamless user experience.

Optimized performance

The video footer format optimizes mobile and desktop screens, helping Publishers scale inventories. On desktop, it appears as a PiP, creating extra ad space. This boosts inventory and fill rates, resulting in higher video revenue growth. Impactify’s constant optimization and inventory promotion led to Hitek’s revenue quadrupling in under a year.

How it works

Dailymotion’s partnership with Impactify offers an enhanced, easily integrable video and advertising solution for Publishers seeking to generate greater user engagement and revenue. Below we describe how you can easily experience the combined advantages of Impactify and Dailymotion’s solutions.

Player integration
The comprehensive Impactify-Dailymotion solution can be seamlessly integrated into all your properties through the Dailymotion video Player at no cost, ensuring that the user experience stays uninterrupted.
Inventory backfill
Impactify will call ads, and the Player will emerge when an ad is present. Dailymotion will support inventory backfill so that Publishers achieve a better fill rate and increased revenues.
Fair revenue share
Publishers will earn incremental revenue without having to remove other ad placements. Thanks to Impactify’s industry-leading KPIs, Publishers can considerably accelerate their revenues in terms of viewability and exposure time (18 seconds) and CTR (up to 40% higher than the outstream average).
Learn more about Advertising Optimizations