Custom white-label player
Deliver the best ad-free or ad-supported watching experience to your audience with our fully customizable white-label player.
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Live streaming
From 24/7 news to sporting events, Dailymotion supports seamless streaming live broadcasts anytime, anywhere, on any device.
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Performance analytics
Tap into comprehensive audience data, video-level analytics, and actionable insights about what’s really driving performance.
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Hosting and delivery
No matter how vast your video library grows, our cutting-edge technology ensures that you can store, manage, and share your videos without any restrictions, allowing your message to reach the world without limitations.
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Support and services
Our global team of experts is here to support you at every step of the integration process, to ensure smooth and consistent delivery backed by unparalleled 24/7 support with dedicated coverage for live events.
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Dailymotion Support was very active throughout the whole process. It was very important for us to have a real contact when we organize our live streams to ensure that everything will go smoothly.
Production Manager