Custom white-label player
Deliver the best ad-free or ad-supported watching experience to your audience with our fully customizable white-label player.
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Seamless integration and support
Our team accompanies you from A to Z to understand your business challenges, define the hosting formula that meets your needs, integrate the player as a white label on your sites and applications, and set up your performance reporting.
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Live streaming
From 24/7 news to sporting events, Dailymotion supports seamless streaming live broadcasts anytime, anywhere, on any device.
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Performance analytics
Tap into comprehensive audience data, video-level analytics, and actionable insights about what’s really driving performance.
Learn moreDiscover how businesses grow with Dailymotion
The video management has become so simple with the Studio and their support. Now we can spend more time on developing our content, rather than spending time struggling with technology.
Senior Manager Product & Digital Learning